Penerapan metode differentiated instruction sebagai upaya memperkecil kesenjangan pemahaman siswa terhadap materi pembelajaran di kelas

Ningtias, Monica Lilis (2023) Penerapan metode differentiated instruction sebagai upaya memperkecil kesenjangan pemahaman siswa terhadap materi pembelajaran di kelas. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Pendidikan Kristen memahami bahwa manusia diciptakan segambar dan serupa dengan Allah, sehingga dikaruniakan kemampuan berpikir. Kemampuan tersebut, manusia gunakan untuk memahami materi pembelajaran di kelas. Namun, manusia telah jatuh dalam dosa, sehingga memiliki keterbatasan dalam mengelola kemampuan berpikirnya. Contohnya, terjadi kesenjangan hasil belajar antar siswa yang dipengaruhi oleh kemampuan memahami materi pembelajar siswa di kelas. Kemampuan memahami tersebut berkaitan erat dengan karakteristik siswa, seperti kesiapan, minat, dan profil belajar siswa yang berbeda-beda. Selain itu, guru belum memfasilitasi keberagaman siswa secara optimal. Guna mengoptimalkan pembelajaran, guru dapat menggunakan differentiated instruction method. Differentiated instruction merupakan metode yang mengakomodir permasalahan di atas, sehingga dapat mencapai tujuan pembelajaran dan hasil belajar yang optimal. Allah menggunakan pendidikan sebagai sarana untuk merestorasi kemampuan manusia berdosa supaya kembali pada tujuan awalnya. Penulisan paper ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan penerapan differentiated instruction method yang dapat memperkecil kesenjangan pemahaman materi pembelajaran siswa di kelas. Metode ini terbukti memperkecil kesenjangan pemahaman materi pembelajaran yang terlihat pada hasil belajar siswa di atas KKM. Hasil belajar tersebut didasarkan pada indikator kemampuan pemahaman siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Penulis menyarankan agar peneliti selanjutnya menerapkan differentiated instruction lebih dari satu kali. Penulis juga menyarankan agar guru meluangkan waktu yang lebih banyak dalam merancang strategi dan penilaian berdiferensiasi. Kata Kunci: Karakteristik siswa, kemampuan memahami, differentiated instruction method/Christian education understands that humans were created in the image and likeness of God, so they are gifted with the ability to think. Humans use this ability to understand learning material in class. However, humans have fallen into sin, so they have limitations in managing their limitations. For example, there is a gap in learning outcomes between students which is influenced by the ability to understand students' learning material in class. The ability to understand is closely related to student characteristics, such as readiness, interests and different student learning profiles. Apart from that, teachers have not facilitated student diversity optimally. In order to optimize learning, teachers can use differentiated instruction methods.Differentiated instruction is a method that accommodates the above problems, so that learning objectives and optimal learning outcomes can be achieved. God uses education as a means to restore the ability of sinful humans to return to their original purpose. The aim of writing this paper is to describe the application of the differentiated instruction method which can reduce the gap in students'understanding of learning material in class. This method is proven to reduce the gap in understanding of learning material which is visible in student learning outcomes above the KKM. These learning outcomes are based on indicators of students' understanding abilities. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The author suggests that future researchers apply differentiated instruction more than once. The author also suggests that teachers spend more time designing differentiated strategies and assessments.Keywords: Student characteristics, ability to understand, differentiated instruction method
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Ningtias, Monica Lilis
Thesis advisor
Agustin, Atalya
Uncontrolled Keywords: karakteristik siswa, kemampuan memahami, differentiated instruction method
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1501 Primary Education
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Elementary Teacher Education
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Elementary Teacher Education
Depositing User: Monica Lilis Ningtias
Date Deposited: 28 Nov 2023 10:02
Last Modified: 28 Nov 2023 10:03

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