Susbtitusi tepung terigu dengan jenis tepung ganyong sebagai rasio bahan pengisi pada nugget tempe = Substitution wheat flour with type of canna flour as a filler ratio to tempe nugget

Kristianto, Juliawan (2025) Susbtitusi tepung terigu dengan jenis tepung ganyong sebagai rasio bahan pengisi pada nugget tempe = Substitution wheat flour with type of canna flour as a filler ratio to tempe nugget. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Penelitian nugget tempe menggunakan tepung ganyong sebagai bahan pengisi masih terbatas sehingga dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan menentukan komposisi kimia tepung ganyong merah dan putih dan rasio tepung terigu:tepung ganyong putih, merah, dan kombinasi putih,merah (100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75), serta jenis tepung ganyong terbaik dalam formula nugget tempe berdasarkan hardness. Parameter yang diuji adalah kadar proksimat, tekstur, kecerahan, dan organoleptik. Tepung ganyong merah mengandung kadar air 19,29%, kadar lemak 0,60%. Kadar protein 2,15%, kadar abu 2,8%, kadar serat pangan 9,89%, dan kadar karbohidrat 75,16%. Tepung ganyong putih mengandung kadar air 12,09%, kadar lemak 1,20%. Kadar protein 2,615%, kadar abu 4,07%, kadar serat pangan 10,78%, dan kadar karbohidrat 80,03%. Nugget tempe dengan 3 formulasi terbaik adalah rasio tepung terigu:tepung ganyong putih 50:50 dengan kadar serat pangan 17,91%, kadar kadar protein 16,59%. Nugget tempe rasio tepung terigu:tepung ganyong merah (50:50) menghasilkan kadar serat pangan 13,49%, kadar protein 14,48%, kadar abu 1,43% dan kadar air 30,94. Nugget tempe tepung rasio tepung terigu:tepung ganyong campuran (25:75) menghasilkan kadar serat pangan 15,09%, kadar karbohidrat 39,62%, kadar lemak 15,45%, kadar protein 12,95%, kadar abu 1,42% dan kadar air 30,56%. / Research on tempeh nuggets using ganyong flour as a filling ingredient is still limited, thus the research was conducted to determine the chemical composition of red and white ganyong flour, as well as the ratios of wheat flour to white ganyong flour, red ganyong flour, and combined white and red ganyong flour (100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75). The study also aims to determine the best type of ganyong flour in the tempeh nugget formula based on hardness. The parameters tested include proximate composition, texture, brightness, and organoleptic properties. Red ganyong flour has the following chemical composition moisture content: 19.29%, fat content 0.60% protein content 2.15%, ash content 2.8%, dietary fiber content 9.89% carbohydrate content 75.16%, white ganyong flour has the following chemical composition moisture content 12.09% fat content 1.20%, protein content 2.615%, ash content 4.07%, dietary fiber content 10.78%, carbohydrate content 80.03%. Based on the research, the three best formulations for tempeh nuggets are as follows wheat flour to white ganyong flour ratio of 50:50: dietary fiber content 17.91%, protein content 16.59%, wheat flour to red ganyong flour ratio of 50:50 dietary fiber content 13.49%, protein content14.48%, wheat flour to mixed ganyong flour ratio of 25:75 dietary fiber content 15.09%, protein content 12.95%.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Kristianto, Juliawan
Thesis advisor
Anugrahati, Nuri Arum
Uncontrolled Keywords: canna flour; dietary fiber; vegetable nuggets; tempeh; nugget nabati; pangan; serat tempe; tepung ganyong; merah; tepung ganyong putih.
Subjects: T Technology > TP Chemical technology > TP368-456 Food processing and manufacture
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Food Technology
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Food Technology
Depositing User: Juliawan Kristianto
Date Deposited: 20 Feb 2025 02:50
Last Modified: 20 Feb 2025 02:50

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