Lawatta, Alfriani Irma (2019) Penerapan reinforcement untuk meningkatkan kedisiplinan belajar siswa kelas ii sekolah lentera harapan Jatiagung. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.
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Salah satu kunci terciptanya kelas kondusif yang dapat mengakomodir berlangsungnya pembelajaran efektif yaitu kedisiplinan belajar siswa. Berdasarkan data umpan balik mentor dan jurnal refleksi peneliti menemukan rendahnya disiplin belajar siswa. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan perilaku tidak menerapkan hands signal, bermain, mengobrol, dan berjalan-jalan selama pembelajaran berlangsung, tidak menunjukkan sikap menghargai dengan memperhatikan orang yang sedang berbicara, tidak mengikuti instruksi dengan baik, dan tidak menyelesaikan tugas tepat waktu yang menyebabkan pembelajaran terganggu dan tidak efektif. Oleh sebab itu, peneliti menerapkan reinforcement untuk meningkatkan disiplin belajar siswa. Dengan menerapkan reinforcement setiap perilaku positif akan mendapatkan penguatan sebagai umpan balik positif agar probabilitas perilaku tersebut meningkat. Penelitian ini menerapkan secara bersama reinforcement positif dan reinforcement negatif. Penelitian ini adalah sebuah penelitian tindakan kelas model Pelton yang terdiri dari lima tahapan yaitu: identifikasi masalah, pengumpulan data, perencanaan tindakan, pelaksanaan rencana, dan penilaian hasil. Penelitian ini berlangsung pada tanggal 31 Juli -6 September 2018 dengan melibatkan 16 siswa kelas II. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar hasil observasi, umpan balik mentor dan jurnal refleksi. Umpan balik mentor dan jurnal refleksi menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan lembar hasil observasi dianalisis mengunakan rumus matematika sederhana. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, pada penerapan I indikator “mengikuti peraturan dan prosedur” menunjukkan persentase 91%, indikator “menghargai selama pembelajaran” menunjukkan persentase 91%, dan indikator “sikap bertanggung jawab” menunjukkan persentase 80%. Pada penerapan II mengalami peningkatan dengan persentase secara berturut-turut 98%, 95%, dan 85%. Langkah-langkah penerapan reinforcement, yaitu: 1) guru menyampaikan perilaku yang diharapkan selama pembelajaran berlangsung; 2) guru menyampaikan jenis reinforcement yang akan diberikan; 3) pemberian reinforcement diberikan tepat saat siswa menunjukkan perilaku dan dilakukan dengan konsisten./ One of the keys to creating a conducive class that can accommodate the ongoing learning process is student learning discipline. Based on the mentor feedback and reflection journal data the researcher found a low student learning discipline. It can be seen by the behavior of not applying hands signal, playing, chatting, and walking during learning, does not show respect by paying attention to the person who is speaking, not following instructions properly, and not completing the task on time that causes learning to be interrupted and ineffective. Therefore, researcher applied reinforcement to improve student learning discipline. By applying reinforcement of each positive behavior will get reinforcement as positive feedback so that the probability of such behavior increases. This research applies together positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement. This study is a Pelton model classroom action research consisting of five stages, namely: issue identification, data collection, action planning, plan activation, and outcomes assessment. This research took place on 31 July - 6 September 2018 involving class II which consist of 16 students. The instruments used were observation sheets, mentor feedback and reflection journals. Mentor feedback and reflection journals use descriptive analysis and observation sheet results are analyzed using simple mathematical formulas. Based on the results of data analysis, the implementation of the indicator I "following the rules and procedures" shows a percentage of 91%, the indicator of "respect during learning" shows a percentage of 91%, and the indicator of "responsibility" shows a percentage of 80%. In application II there was an increase with a percentage of 98%, 95%, and 85% respectively. Steps for implementing reinforcement, namely: 1) the teacher conveys the expected behavior during the learning process; 2) the teacher conveys the type of reinforcement that will be given; 3) giving reinforcement is given right when students show behavior and are done consistently.
Item Type: | Thesis (Bachelor) |
Creators: | Creators NIM Email ORCID Lawatta, Alfriani Irma NIM00000018413 UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED |
Contributors: | Contribution Contributors NIDN/NIDK Email Thesis advisor Boangmanalu, Iko Agustina UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | kedisiplinan; reinforcement negatif; reinforcement positif |
Subjects: | L Education > LB Theory and practice of education L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1501 Primary Education |
Divisions: | University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Elementary Teacher Education Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Education > Elementary Teacher Education |
Depositing User: | Dianty Greas Athalya Hutagalung |
Date Deposited: | 16 Mar 2023 00:49 |
Last Modified: | 16 Mar 2023 00:49 |
URI: | |