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Number of items: 33.

Komaling, Immanuela Gratia (2023) Implementasi prinsip-prinsip convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women dalam penanggulangan kekerasan berbasis gender online di Indonesia = Implementation of the principles of the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women in tackling online gender-based violence in Indonesia. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Marshella, Marshella (2023) UPAYA SAVE THE CHILDREN DALAM MENANGANI ISU PEKERJA ANAK DI INDIA (2020-2022). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Ifanasari, Nanda (2023) Kerja sama United Nations Women dan Kemenpppa menghadapi ketimpangan gender dalam ketenagakerjaan di Indonesia (2019-2022) = Cooperation between the United Nations Women and the Ministry of Women's Empowerment in addressing gender inequality in employment in Indonesia (2019-2022). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Nathania, Andrea (2023) Kontribusi Indonesia dalam penegakan Konvensi Hak-hak Anak (KHA): studi kasus pekerja anak di perkebunan tembakau 2016-2020. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Sunaryo, Miszel Angelica (2022) Kontribusi Amnesty International dalam wacana penghapusan kebijakan hukuman mati: studi kasus di Malaysia (2017-2022). Bachelor thesis, Universities Pelita Harapan.

Tantra, Victoria Audrey (2022) ASEAN Role in Eradicating Violence against Women in Indonesia (2016-2020). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Cristina, Glory Familia (2022) Respons organisasi non pemerintah pro-choice menanggapi implementasi Mexico City Policy Amerika Serikat 2017-2021. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Shalsabiela, Mentari (2022) Kontribusi UN Women dalam mendorong pemberdayaan ekonomi perempuan di Indonesia tahun 2017-2020 = UN Women’s Contribution in Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment in Indonesia In 2017-2020. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Salsabila, Syanandra Nailah (2022) Peran United Nations Women dalam menangani kekerasan seksual terhadap perempuan di Indonesia 2015 - 2018 = The role of United Nations Women in dealing with sexual violence against women in Indonesia 2015 - 2018. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Gunawan, Cindy Steffanie (2022) Peran International Labour Organization (ILO) dalam mendorong aktor negara mengatasi kesenjangan upah berdasarkan gender di Indonesia tahun 2015-2019 = The Role of International Labor Organization (ILO) In Encouraging State Actors to Cope with the Gender Wage Gap in Indonesia in 2015 – 2019. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Gresita, Adindya (2022) Kerja sama United Nations Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) dengan Pemerintah Indonesia dalam menangani pernikahan dini (2014 - 2019). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Br Surbakti, Aidelina Florensia (2021) Kontribusi aktor negara dan non-negara dalam kerja sama Wonderful Indonesia dan Asean Tourism Forum (ATF) untuk perkembangan pariwisata di Indonesia tahun 2011-2015 = Contribution of state and non-state actors in the cooperation of wonderful Indonesia and ASEAN tourism forum (ATF) for tourism development in Indonesia (2011-2015). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Adam, Ardya Fadilah (2021) Pengaruh pemenuhan hak perempuan terhadap kinerja perusahaan multinasional di Arab Saudi (2015-2019) = The effect of granting women’s right on the performance of MNC in Saudi Arabia (2015-2019). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Sari, Widya Atika (2021) Pendekatan diplomasi publik menteri luar negeri Retno Marsudi. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Salsabila, Syifa (2021) Implementasi kebijakan illegal fishing pada masa pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo (2014-2019) = The implementation of illegal fishing policies in the government of President Joko Widodo (2014-2019). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Desiree, Olivia (2021) Kerja sama ILO dan Tanzania dalam mengatasi eksploitasi anak yang bekerja khususnya pada bidang agrikultural (2013 - 2019). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Karawisan, Gracia Trifena (2021) Kerja sama United Nations Women dan Afganistan dalam melindungi perempuan dari tindakan diskriminasi (2014-2019). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Octavianus, Kevin (2021) Kerja sama antara perusahaan multinasional dan negara dalam implementasi convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW) di Indonesia. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Aristi, Kezia (2021) The importance of womenomics policy as a response to The United Nation Convention On The Elimination Of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in Abe Shinzo regime = Pentingnya kebijakan womenomics sebagai respon atas United Nation On the Elimination Of Dicrimination Against Women di administrasi Abe Shinzo. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Ulhaq, Fadhilah (2021) Kontribusi Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Dalam Implementasi Convention On The Elimination Of All Forms Of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) Di Indonesia (2010-2018). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Siswanto, Zana Cobhita Arethusa (2021) Kontribusi Unilever dalam penanganan isu lingkungan untuk pencapaian sustainable development goals nomor 13 (2016-2019) = Unilever's contribution in managing environmental issues to achieve sustainable development goals number 13 (2016-2019). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Hermawan, Felicia (2021) Upaya United Nations (UN) women dalam mendorong pemberdayaan ekonomi perempuan di India (2012-2019) = The efforts of United Nations (UN) women in increasing women’s economic empowerment in India (2012-2019). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Mubarok, Muhammad Ardi Rizky (2020) Penggunaan diplomasi dalam menghadapi sanksi Federación Internacional de Fútbol Asociación (FIFA) terhadap Persatuan Sepak Bola Seluruh Indonesia (PSSI) tahun 2014-2016 = Diplomacy utilization on facing FIFA sanction against PSSI in 2014-2016. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Ferditan, Davin (2020) Respons Indonesia terhadap kasus-kasus penyiksaan tenaga kerja Indonesia (TKI)di Malaysia periode 2004-2009 = Indonesia's response to abuse cases toward Indonesian migrant workers (tki) in Malaysia 2004-2009 period. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita HHarapan.

Bonardo, Richard Felix (2020) Dampak hukuman mati atas kejahatan narkotika terhadap hubungan bilateral Indonesia-Brasil periode 2009-2015 = The impact of death punishment on narcotic crime toward bilateral relationship of Indonesia-Brazil 2009-2015 period. Bachelor thesis, Universities Pelita Harapan.

Herawati, Henny (2020) Dinamika kerja sama Indonesia-Malaysia dalam perlindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) pada Tahun 2011-2018 = Dynamics of Indonesia-Malaysia cooperation in the protection of Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) in 2011-2018. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Sendoh, Petra Tesalonika (2020) Peran Pemerintah Daerah dalam menggunakan soft power untuk meningkatkan kunjungan wisatawan internasional di Sulawesi Utara = The role of local government in utilize soft power for enhancing international tourist arrivals in North Sulawesi. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Otniel, Yovan Gary (2020) Indonesia-Philippines Cooperation on Combating International Drug Trafficking = Kerjasama Indonesia-Filipina dalam upaya memerangi perdagangan narkoba internasional. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Tamalagi, Chrisindo Reformanda (2020) Kerja sama bilateral badan narkotika Nasional Republik Indonesia (BNN RI) dengan office of the narcotics control board Thailand (ONCB Thailand) dalam menanggulangi penyelundupan narkotika di Indonesia (2016 - 2019) = The bilateral cooperation of the national narcotics agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BNN RI) with office of the narcotics control board Thailand (ONCB Thailand) in managing narcotic drugs in Indonesia (2016 – 2019). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Simiwijaya, Stella (2020) Kerja sama Badan Narkotika Nasional dengan United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime dalam menanggulangi penyalahgunaan narkotika di Indonesia = Cooperation of the national narcotics agency with the United Nations office on drugs and crime in tackling narcotics abuse in Indonesia. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Vallery, Hillery (2020) Implementasi sustainable development goals (SDGs) di Indonesia selama pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo periode 2015-2019 = Implementation of sustainable development goals (SDGs) in Indonesia throughout the president Joko Widodo regime period 2015-2019. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Gracellia, Jeniffer (2020) Implikasi penanganan masalah comfort women terhadap hubungan Jepang dan Korea Selatan pada tahun 2015-2019 = The implications of handling the comfort women issue to Japan and South Korea relation from 2015 to 2019. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Febriani, Devina (2019) Keterlibatan United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) dalam mendorong penguatan peran perempuan dalam politik dan pemerintahan di Indonesia selama periode Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) = the involvement of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in strengthening the role of women in politics and governance in indonesia throughout the period of Millenium Development Goals (MDGs). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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